/** * Theme functions and definitions * * @package HelloElementor */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } define( 'HELLO_ELEMENTOR_VERSION', '2.5.0' ); if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) { $content_width = 800; // Pixels. } if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_setup' ) ) { /** * Set up theme support. * * @return void */ function hello_elementor_setup() { if ( is_admin() ) { hello_maybe_update_theme_version_in_db(); } $hook_result = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_load_textdomain', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_load_textdomain' ); if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_load_textdomain', $hook_result ) ) { load_theme_textdomain( 'hello-elementor', get_template_directory() . '/languages' ); } $hook_result = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_register_menus', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_register_menus' ); if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_register_menus', $hook_result ) ) { register_nav_menus( [ 'menu-1' => __( 'Header', 'hello-elementor' ) ] ); register_nav_menus( [ 'menu-2' => __( 'Footer', 'hello-elementor' ) ] ); } $hook_result = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_add_theme_support', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_add_theme_support' ); if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_add_theme_support', $hook_result ) ) { add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ); add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); add_theme_support( 'html5', [ 'search-form', 'comment-form', 'comment-list', 'gallery', 'caption', ] ); add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', [ 'height' => 100, 'width' => 350, 'flex-height' => true, 'flex-width' => true, ] ); /* * Editor Style. */ add_editor_style( 'classic-editor.css' ); /* * Gutenberg wide images. */ add_theme_support( 'align-wide' ); /* * WooCommerce. */ $hook_result = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_add_woocommerce_support', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_add_woocommerce_support' ); if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_add_woocommerce_support', $hook_result ) ) { // WooCommerce in general. add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' ); // Enabling WooCommerce product gallery features (are off by default since WC 3.0.0). // zoom. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' ); // lightbox. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' ); // swipe. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ); } } } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'hello_elementor_setup' ); function hello_maybe_update_theme_version_in_db() { $theme_version_option_name = 'hello_theme_version'; // The theme version saved in the database. $hello_theme_db_version = get_option( $theme_version_option_name ); // If the 'hello_theme_version' option does not exist in the DB, or the version needs to be updated, do the update. if ( ! $hello_theme_db_version || version_compare( $hello_theme_db_version, HELLO_ELEMENTOR_VERSION, '<' ) ) { update_option( $theme_version_option_name, HELLO_ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_scripts_styles' ) ) { /** * Theme Scripts & Styles. * * @return void */ function hello_elementor_scripts_styles() { $enqueue_basic_style = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_enqueue_style', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_enqueue_style' ); $min_suffix = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_enqueue_style', $enqueue_basic_style ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'hello-elementor', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style' . $min_suffix . '.css', [], HELLO_ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_enqueue_theme_style', true ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'hello-elementor-theme-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/theme' . $min_suffix . '.css', [], HELLO_ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hello_elementor_scripts_styles' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_register_elementor_locations' ) ) { /** * Register Elementor Locations. * * @param ElementorPro\Modules\ThemeBuilder\Classes\Locations_Manager $elementor_theme_manager theme manager. * * @return void */ function hello_elementor_register_elementor_locations( $elementor_theme_manager ) { $hook_result = apply_filters_deprecated( 'elementor_hello_theme_register_elementor_locations', [ true ], '2.0', 'hello_elementor_register_elementor_locations' ); if ( apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_register_elementor_locations', $hook_result ) ) { $elementor_theme_manager->register_all_core_location(); } } } add_action( 'elementor/theme/register_locations', 'hello_elementor_register_elementor_locations' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_content_width' ) ) { /** * Set default content width. * * @return void */ function hello_elementor_content_width() { $GLOBALS['content_width'] = apply_filters( 'hello_elementor_content_width', 800 ); } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'hello_elementor_content_width', 0 ); if ( is_admin() ) { require get_template_directory() . '/includes/admin-functions.php'; } /** * If Elementor is installed and active, we can load the Elementor-specific Settings & Features */ // Allow active/inactive via the Experiments require get_template_directory() . '/includes/elementor-functions.php'; /** * Include customizer registration functions */ function hello_register_customizer_functions() { if ( hello_header_footer_experiment_active() && is_customize_preview() ) { require get_template_directory() . '/includes/customizer-functions.php'; } } add_action( 'init', 'hello_register_customizer_functions' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_check_hide_title' ) ) { /** * Check hide title. * * @param bool $val default value. * * @return bool */ function hello_elementor_check_hide_title( $val ) { if ( defined( 'ELEMENTOR_VERSION' ) ) { $current_doc = Elementor\Plugin::instance()->documents->get( get_the_ID() ); if ( $current_doc && 'yes' === $current_doc->get_settings( 'hide_title' ) ) { $val = false; } } return $val; } } add_filter( 'hello_elementor_page_title', 'hello_elementor_check_hide_title' ); /** * Wrapper function to deal with backwards compatibility. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'hello_elementor_body_open' ) ) { function hello_elementor_body_open() { if ( function_exists( 'wp_body_open' ) ) { wp_body_open(); } else { do_action( 'wp_body_open' ); } } } {"id":2825,"date":"2025-01-21T06:09:06","date_gmt":"2025-01-21T06:09:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ismailcandemir.com\/?p=2825"},"modified":"2025-01-21T14:41:03","modified_gmt":"2025-01-21T14:41:03","slug":"movcud-aviatordan-oyunlar-mostbet-azerbaycan-ucun-aviasin-hazirki-ryni","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ismailcandemir.com\/movcud-aviatordan-oyunlar-mostbet-azerbaycan-ucun-aviasin-hazirki-ryni\/","title":{"rendered":"M\u00f6vcud Aviatordan Oyunlar: Mostbet Azerbaycan \u00dc\u00e7\u00fcn Avias\u0131n Hazirki R\u0259yni"},"content":{"rendered":"
M\u00f6vcud Avias\u0131n T\u0259dqiqat\u0131: Mostbet Az\u0259rbaycan \u00dc\u00e7\u00fcn Avias\u0131n Haz\u0131rki Hal\u0131 – casino x\u0259b\u0259rl\u0259rinin oldu\u011fu bu blogda siz\u0259 avias\u0131n m\u00f6vcud hal\u0131 haqq\u0131nda qeyd edirik. Mostbet Az\u0259rbaycan i\u015fl\u0259y\u0259n sit\u0259sinin avias\u0131n\u0131n t\u0259dqiqat\u0131n\u0131n n\u0259tic\u0259l\u0259ri a\u015fa\u011f\u0131dak\u0131 g\u00f6st\u0259rir: avias\u0131 yax\u015f\u0131 bir s\u0259viyy\u0259da i\u015fl\u0259yir, hesab\u0131n\u0131za qanaqdan ke\u00e7irilmi\u015f \u0259kd\u0259dinizi d\u0259st\u0259kl\u0259yir v\u0259 m\u00fc\u015ft\u0259ril\u0259r\u0259 daha \u00e7ox faydal\u0131 xidm\u0259tl\u0259r sa\u011fl\u0131y\u0131r. Blogumuzda sizin \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcn daha \u00e7ox casino x\u0259b\u0259ri il\u0259 tan\u0131\u015f olmaq \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcn davam edin.<\/p>\n
M\u00fc\u015f\u1e6deril\u0259rin rahatl\u0131qland\u0131r\u0131lmas\u0131 \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcn, Mostbet Az\u0259rbaycan avias\u0131n m\u00fcasir tel\u0259sirliyy\u0259tinin tap\u015f\u0131r\u0131\u011f\u0131 il\u0259, h\u0259yata ke\u00e7irilmi\u015f d\u00fcnya standartlar\u0131nda bir xidm\u0259t verir. \u018fg\u0259r siz h\u0259m\u00e7inin daha yax\u015f\u0131 bir qrol almaq ist\u0259yirsiniz, bu xidm\u0259t \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcn istifad\u0259 edin. \u0130stifad\u0259\u00e7il\u0259rin online kasino xidm\u0259ti il\u0259 \u0259laq\u0259 saxlayaraq, avias\u0131n tel\u0259sirliyy\u0259tinin t\u0259\u1e6diql\u0259ndirilmi\u015f bir sistemind\u0259n istifad\u0259 edirik. Bu, bizim m\u00fc\u015ft\u0259ril\u0259rimizin qonaqlar\u0131n\u0131n s\u00fcr\u0259tl\u0259nmi\u015f veril\u0259nl\u0259ri il\u0259 i\u015fl\u0259y\u0259 bilm\u0259sini v\u0259 onlar\u0131n avias\u0131n\u0131n g\u00fccl\u00fc v\u0259 sigorta xidm\u0259tl\u0259rini istifad\u0259 ed\u0259 bilm\u0259sini m\u00f6vcuddur. Mostbet Az\u0259rbaycan sizin i\u00e7in gizlilik xidm\u0259ti il\u0259 \u0259lav\u0259 olaraq, nomre sifari\u015fi \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcn avias\u0131n m\u00fcasir tel\u0259sirliyy\u0259tin\u0259 istiqam\u0259t edin.<\/p>\n